War within the Church

One of my greatest passions to speak or write about arose from one of my greatest frustrations - division amongst followers of Christ.

The Church is so at war with itself, it is unable to accomplish with power and efficiency the purpose to which it exists. Whether pride and comparison develops bitterness, or ego and fear binds churches from effective ministry, Satan creates all of these roots for one purpose - division. Church leaders are so distressed about congregational numbers that they become imprisoned within the four walls of their own building, refusing to look anywhere beyond. Socio-political leaders have become the shepherds voice to the common believer, leading to gruesome church splits, leaving flocks of Christians stuck in pain, confusion, and distrust, deaf to the voice of God.

...Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.
— Matthew 12:25

As I pondered on this verse, a thought arose:

Even if every person on Earth gave their lives to Christ, the world would still be at war with itself.”

Christians would fight over who would be actually considered Christian. They would argue over the gifts of the spirit - “Do they even continue today?” They would dispute over doctrine, theology, and liturgy.

Thank God for His grace and His Spirit, because without those, although we think we are, we are no better than that of the Pharisees. I watch as Christians hate on celebrities coming to Christ and then point, laugh, and mock using Scripture when the celebrities fall away, as if God is pleased with that reality! It disgusts me, that the Church has gotten to a place where one waits and watches for their fellow brothers and sisters to fall away from God so that they could rejoice with sinister pride and hatred, yet rejoice because they were “right.” Furthermore, they use Scripture to mask their self-righteousness. Oh God, how we’ve defiled your Word!

When did we get to a place where we rejoice in the found being lost instead of the lost being found?

We must focus on healing, releasing the roots of hurt, fear, and unforgiveness. How can we love others if our hurt, fear, and unforgiveness keeps us from loving ourselves? We need grace for one another, not so quick to pluck weeds when we think we’ve found one.

...because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.
— Matthew 13:29-30

The goal of this post is not to solve the issue, for the issue at hand is that of human nature. The goal is self-reflection. We can not end conflict, but by the grace of God and by His Holy Spirit, I am absolutely confident we can diminish it!


Immaturity vs. Disobedience


An Acceptable offering