Be confident in His leading
The age we live in is one of a wealth of knowledge. The plethora of knowledge also brings forth an overwhelming influx of opinions. While some perspectives may be insightful, many others will deter one from acting out their own thoughts, desires, and passions from God. Sometimes this looks like criticism for not following the trend or what some deem the “correct” path. Other times an opposition presents itself from those who see a disruption in their tradition. I’m writing today to tell those who are reading to be confident in the word, idea, or action that the Lord has placed on your heart. Do not let the suppression of the religious and deaf ears quench the fire of God in you!
Before I continue, there are a couple biblical ground rules that I need to touch on.
Firstly, this is not a go-ahead to act against leadership or to disobey a place of authority, as we are called to submit to authority (Romans 13:1-5).
Secondly, it’s important that whatever word, idea, or action that God has placed on your heart has been submitted and filtered through His Word. Although we have right intentions, our understanding and methods may need some refining from the Lord. 1 Corinthians 3:19 explains why, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part…”
With that foundation laid, I want to continue building on my main point. Jesus experienced backlash when God was doing a new thing with him. Matthew 9:18-26 is a record of when Jesus walked with confidence in the Spirit despite the friction of going against the grain.
In this account, a ruler kneels before Jesus asking him to revive his daughter who had just died. In agreement to do so, Jesus and his disciples made their way to the ruler’s house. When they arrived, there was a crowd and musicians playing and mourning the death of the girl. Verse 23 states that Jesus “saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion…”
The word ‘commotion’ is translated from the Greek word θορυβέω (thorubeō), which literally means to start a riot or to throw into disorder.
When Jesus saw them making a commotion, he makes the statement, “Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping.” In response, the musicians and the crowd, AKA “the rioters,” began to laugh at Jesus and mock him. In the end, as you could have guessed, Jesus heals the girl.
My point to all of this is to show how not only is anyone useless without the leading of the Holy Spirit, they actually cause disorder, so much so that Jesus viewed it as a riot. This may be true in your life as well. God may be trying to do something fresh in you, but those who are not looking through the lens of the Spirit view the move of the Spirit in you as laughable.
There will be times where you will be laughed at and mocked, because the timing of the Spirit of God in you does not fit the traditions of man.
Do not be dismayed by the hardened hearts of those around you, but be confident that the very work God started in you, He will bring to completion through you!